Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's in the Jeans


At the end of every month, I take a picture in front of my fridge to document my progress.  This is me when I started Weight Watchers (down 15 pounds from my heaviest):
March 27, 2010

In a special middle of the month picture update, me now:
November 10, 2010
This unscheduled picture update celebrates a couple of mini goals for me.  I walked into Gap & bought new jeans (out of the store, not from extended sizes online) the size I wore when I graduated from high school...& they are skinny jeans...& I was able to tuck them into my boots...& do I see a hint of collar bone, too?
Holy crap this has been a big night!  I distinctly remember thinking that I would never be able to tuck my jeans into boots because a) I'd never wear skinnies & b) I'd never have the surplus room in the calves of my boots.  Look at me on trend, two years late.
Opal, I'm coming for you.


  1. Holy heck, Sara, you look great! Did I read right that that's 2 weeks? Cuz that's crazy.

  2. thanks! glad you commented so i could caption the pics & clarify...months & months separate those two pics. :)

  3. Wow! (That's a good wow. The kind of wow that is said with a great big smile.)

  4. yay skinny jeans!! lovin the look on you!

  5. Congrats Sara and keep it going. I will be in your shoes after this baby is born and hopefully have as much success.

  6. WOW!! Way to go!!!! I love reading your blog!! It keeps me interested in losing my own weight...2 years late. Thanks for the encouragement, even though you probably didn't know it.

  7. Beautiful mama....well done, well done!

  8. You are beautiful, Sara! I love this photo of you. Amazing. Following your story is what has inspired me to start watching what I eat. I don't need to loose much, but I would like to trim up a little. You inspired me to start making wiser food choices and surprisingly, I'm loving it!

    By the way, please tell the truth - how many calories were in a piece of that absolutely amazing cake???
