Sunday, December 4, 2011

Deep Confession


I have a confession to's a pretty big one...

I don't like Trader Joe's. 

I know that's kind of sacrilege coming from someone who's into healthy eating, but here's my thing.  Yes, Trader Joe's has a lot of great stuff.  Yes, Trader Joe's has a lot of organics.  But you know what Trader Joe's has in spades?  A lot of processed organics.  Here's my take:

If I'm eating a BUNCH of processed foods, the USDA Certified Organic status of that processed food is the least of my concern.  Just because it's organic processed crap doesn't make it less crappy.  So I'll save my pennies & buy regular processed crap when the occasional mood strikes & stay away from Trader Joe's because it seems that I always come out of there with Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups & Vegan Oatmeal Cookies wrapped in a Healthy Halo because they came from Trader Joe's.

Maybe I'm being unfair.  Maybe I shouldn't say that I don't like Trader Joe's, maybe I should say that I don't like how I check my better judgement at the door right next to the reasonably sized carts...which I also dislike. 

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